Online Complaint / Suggestion Register
Public Library Swat

Register New Complaint / Suggestion

S # Name Category Complaint / Suggestion Incharge Remarks
1 zairullah Registered Member hi this is zairullah librarian swat public library

Awaiting Response

2 Arif Khan Visitor or Reader Kindly Mention Online Membership Fees Admission System

We have No online Membership facility

3 Mohammad Majid Registered Member Respected Sir, It is stated that it would be of great help to the regular readers of Public Library Swat if there could be a separate portal for the list of new arrivals to the public library swat on its website. Currently the new books in the library are mentioned on the home page of library website but it lacks a separate tab where a complete list of new arrival (books) is mentioned. This could be a step in the right direction to inform the regular readers of the library of the new books. I

Inshallah will soon be updated

4 hussain ali Registered Member hi sir im a registerd member sir here in swat library the condition of washrooms is very bad even when i have emergency to go to washroom i cant go because of the bad condition no cleanliness no soap sir plz solve this problem thank u

Sweeper is directed to clean the washroom on regular basis. you are requested to use more water on the washroom while leaving... Thank you

5 hussain ali Registered Member hi my name is hussain ali and im fsc student and i came daily to library on saturday and sunday they close the library on 2pm which is quite disturbing because in our homes we didnt have that quite enviroment so sir plz change the library schedule of sunday and saturday to 6 or 7pm thank u sir

Library Timing on Saturday and Sunday is from 09:00am to 02:30pm. Due to insufficient no of staff in the library, the Timing cannot be extended. Thank You.

6 Registered Member The Covid cases are rising swiftly again and the ratio has reached to over 7%. Hence, please instruct students and staff members to act upon SOPs. Thanks

Instruction conveyed to the quarter concerns.... Thank you

7 Test Registered Member Testing the Online Complaint System

V Good Work